Name: Curly Mayne
D.O.B: July 14, 1997
Hometown: Montgomery, TX
Currently Resides: Austin , TX
Riding Since: Started racing at 9 years old. I’m 24 now, so 15 years.
Local Spot: 9th Street n’ Austin Streets
Travel Destination: I’ve only actually been out of the country once (Dominican Republic) so to go to any other country I haven't been to would be siiiick.
Contest: I’m not really a contest guy. I prefer low pressure cruising with the homies.
Rider(s) & why: Kyle Bennet has always been a firm favourite since my racing days. Getting to ride the race track with him growing up was a trip. His smooth buttery style was the best. RIP.
Video Part & why: Chase Hawk’s ‘Let em’ talk’ part always comes to mind as a favourite. Simple, clean, fast riding linked with some Project Pat. Gangster!
Sponsors: BSD, BuschHeavyBoyz
Get Connected: @curlymayne