Alex Donnachie just freshened up his ride with the new dark red colourway parts so we took the chance to shoot a bike check with him. As well as the new dark red Forever Lo grips, Passenger Seat and Safari pedals which are all available now; Alex is also running a sample dark red set of his signature Donnasqueak tires. The dark red tires set the bike off nicely and you will be able to get your hands on a pair of these in either 2.25″ or 2.4″ in late November. Squeak squeak!…

“Right now I’m running the red version of my tyres which are a dark red to match the seat and pedals. I’m also trying out plastic pedals just now after only running metals for years”.
Alex D’s setup:
– FRAME: 20.6″ BSD prototype frame. More info on this soon…
– BARS: Clear coat raw BSD Giraffic bars
– GRIPS: Dark red BSD Forever Lo grips
– STEM: Black BSD Race V2 stem
– HEADSET: BSD Integrated
– FORKS: Black BSD Ghetto fork V3
– SPROCKET: Black BSD Superlite 28t
– CRANKS: Black BSD Substance cranks 165mm
– PEDALS: Dark red BSD Safari Pedals
– CHAIN: BSD 1991 halflink chain
– REAR HUB: KHE Reverse freecoaster
– REAR TIRE: Dark red BSD Donnasqueak 2.4″ tire
– REAR RIM: Cinema
– FRONT HUB: Black BSD Front Street hub with Jersey Barrier hub guards
– FRONT TIRE: Dark red BSD Donnasqueak 2.4″ tire
– FRONT RIM: G-Sport Rollcage
– PEGS: Cult Butter plastics
– SEAT: Dark red BSD Passenger Seat
– SEAT POST: Black BSD Blitzed post