Name: Gaspar Guendulain
D.O.B: November 4th, 1995
Hometown: Las Perdices, Cordoba, Argentina
Currently Resides: General Deheza - CBA
Riding Since: 2008
Local Spot: Alta Gracia - Plaza de las Americas
Travel Destination: Patagonia - Argentina
Contest: Street Series - Simple Session - Battle of Hastings
Rider(s) & why: Many riders inspire me, there are too many!
Video Part & why: I think my favourite video part at the moment is ACEA - Dennis Enarson , because I think that both the rider and the filmer were perfectly balanced as well as their editing, song and tricks. But there are also too many to say.
Sponsors: BSD, Vans, One Place, Tehuelche
Get Connected: @gguendulain